Saturday, December 29, 2012

Hungry For Change

Hello, my friends!

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas! 

We had a wonderful Christmas at the McCorkle House :)  Santa was good to all of us so we must have all been good this year. 

Are you ready for the New Year?  Man, this year went by FAST!  I can't hardly keep up anymore.  Are you making any New Year's Resolutions? 

I don't really do resolutions.  If I did, I'm sure (like most everyone else) that my New Year's Resolution would be to get healthy, lose weight.....same old yada yada as every year. 

Since Halloween (or a little earlier, actually), I have severely let myself go.  I probably gained 10 lbs or more and it feels like it all went to my FACE!!  Christmas is always the hardest holiday (food wise) for me.  I like to make candies and drink lots of hot cocoa and seasonal lattes from Starbucks.  It's all part of the holiday season, right?  Well, it doesn't have to be.  Maybe one of these days I'll conquer that hurdle. 

Now that Christmas is over, I have started back eating healthier and smarter.  I don't wait until New Years to start back....never do.  I also don't have a "plan".  No diets or gimmicks.  They don't work.  I've tried them all, so I should know. 

I've been trying to do some research and educate myself as much as possible about food.  Not any diet in particular, just food.  I watched a documentary yesterday called "Hungry For Change".  It was very informative and gave lots of great information about food and how food has become more about convenience than health.  We all know that, right?  It's obvious that overly processed foods have become the staple diet for most Americans.  We know that.  Then why don't we do something about it? 

Well, it's because all these major food companies are putting all kinds of addictive chemicals in our foods....and we just keep going back for more.  Why do we keep going back for more?  Not only because it's addictive, but also because all this cheaply made food is....well, cheap.  It costs a lot more money to eat the right foods.  Food is no different than anything else.  If you want good quality, you have to pay for it.

I am learning that everything I "thought" I knew about food is wrong.  Dead wrong!

I have decided to try and focus more on REAL food.  Food fresh from the Earth.  More fresh raw veggies, fresh fruit, organic beans, healthy fats- like avocados, nuts and seeds.  I'm not going to eat meat for a while and I'm going to cut back on dairy products.  I can't completely cut dairy out right now (I like cheese too much!), but I hope to eventually fade it out.  I'm cutting back on sugar, too. I'm not going to be counting calories, fats, carbs or anything else.  Just focusing on eating good, healthy foods and cutting back on portions.  That's what it's all about. 

It's not going to be easy, because where I'm from....casseroles and barbecue are the norm.  Vegetables are just something we throw in a casserole that's filled with sour cream, mayo, butter, cream of "whatever" soup, and cheese.  Vegetables are cooked in animal fat, everything is deep fried, and bacon is everything around here.  When we gather for holidays, church events, or parties....we don't do "healthy".  I don't really know anyone here that eats the way I am attempting to, not personally anyway.  It will be tough.   

I'll be continuing to juice and do smoothies for my son and I.  He doesn't eat veggies, but he will drink them in combination with fresh fruit juice. 

So, if you can call it a plan...that's my plan.  Focus on good foods.  Easy enough, right? 

I want to leave you with this thought....

Why not you?  Think about it.

Happy New Year, y'all!  Please be safe and I wish you all the best for the coming new year :)

Until next time...

Friday, December 21, 2012

Merry Christmas, Y'all :)

Merry Christmas, y'all!  I appreciate you guys taking the time to read my blog and I love you all.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, my friends :)

Until next time...

Monday, December 10, 2012

Me....Flaws and All

Hello, everyone :)

I mentioned in one my posts a while back that I am a HUGE music lover.  One of my favorite singers is Rachel Taylor from the band He is We.  She is a huge inspiration to me.  She has overcome a lot in her life and she is a prime example of perseverance to the fullest.  Anyway, a couple of weeks ago she blogged about learning to love your skin.  She posted a picture of herself with no make-up, no hair products.....nothing.  Just herself in raw form.

She is encouraging women and girls to post pictures of themselves that way, too.  Now, for me....that is beyond scary.  We live in a world that makes it easy for us to cover up the things we don't like.  Make-up, photo editing, plastic surgery,'s all a "normal" part of life now.  Society screams and obsesses over perfection.  Though we all would love to be perfect, it's just not real.  Perfect doesn't exist.  Some may come close, but true perfection is unattainable.  So why don't we learn to love ourselves, flaws and all?  I am the world's worst about putting myself down.  I'm very hard on myself and it's hard for me to accept compliments without saying something that counteracts it.  I don't why I do that!  I think a lot of women are the same though.

Beauty that comes from within is so much more attractive than outer beauty.  I know that sounds very cliche`, but I really do believe that.  Some of the most beautiful ladies I know are ones that have the most loving and caring hearts. 

So, I am going to accept her challenge and post my own "raw" picture.  This is a picture of me with no make-up, no cover up....nothing.  I dried my hair, but that's all.  No products, straight ironing, or anything.  So, here it goes....

Eeeeek....that was terrifying!!  No going back now!  Well, I guess I could but mama didn't raise no sissy, so there it is.....flaws and all.  A big part of me wants to verbally pick this picture apart, but I am going to refrain and just let it go.

I work at home and don't go out as much as a lot of women, so this is what my husband and son see almost everyday that I don't have to go out.  They love me this way, so why is it so hard for me?  Maybe this can be MY first step at learning to love my skin....just the way it is. 

Although this was super scary, it was also very freeing.  My hope is that all women (myself included) will learn to love their skin and themselves, just the way they are.    

Until next time...

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Christmas Memories on a Budget

Hello, all you beautiful people ;)

Well, it's December.  And man, did it get here fast?!

I love Christmas time.  I love everything about it.  Well, there might be one thing I'm not that fond of.  I'm not crazy about all the money that we spend at Christmas time.  Buying gifts alone is a struggle here at our house.  Let's face fun can be expensive, especially when you have kids. 

Last year, we went on a "Polar Express" train ride.  While it was fun, it cost $30 per adult and $20 per child....not to mention the extra cost if you wanted the "hot chocolate" package and the gift shop (filled with toys and such) that was conveniently located where the hot chocolate and snacks were.  That's really expensive for a few hours of fun. 

If we let it, commercialism can take over the holidays.  I thought I'd share a couple of ideas and traditions for holiday fun that won't break the bank.

1.  Drive around your town and look for Christmas lights.  Or better yet, walk around your community if possible.  We do this all the time!  We make a game out of it......who can spot the lights first.  We also bought some holiday specks a couple of years ago that we love using when doing this.  They look like 3-D glasses and it makes all the lights look like snowflakes, Santa heads, reindeer heads, and snowmen.  They are very cool :)

2.  Turn on the Christmas tunes and color with your kids.  My son and I do this a lot.  You can buy Christmas coloring books very cheap at the dollar store and you can't beat the quality time that you are spending together.  I have some very fond memories of doing this with my mom as a child.  Funny how, as a child, I begged for toys at Christmas and now....I don't hardly remember a single toy I got for Christmas.  I remember the memories.  Material things will come and go, memories last a life time. 

3.  Bake cookies or build a Gingerbread House.  Kids LOVE helping bake and decorate cookies!  We bought a Gingerbread train kit this year and I can't wait for us to do it.  My son is going to love it!

4.  Have a pajama movie night.  This doesn't have to cost a thing.  So many Christmas movies come on TV this time of year.  All you have to do is record them to your DVR and there you have it.....a free movie!   Christmas movies + popcorn + pajamas = my kind of night!

5.  Elf on the Shelf.  If you have kids and do not have an Elf on the Shelf, you don't know what you're missing.  This is so dang fun!  I believe they cost around $30, but it will last a LONG time.  Use it again, year after year.  I wish we had gotten one sooner.  It's so fun to see the excitement in my son's eyes when he wakes up everyday and tries to find his elf. 

6.  Make Christmas ornaments and decorations.  You can make them out of paper, old cookie cutters, etc.  The possibilities are endless.  Popcorn garland is another fun and thrifty Christmas decoration.  You could do this with the leftover popcorn on Movie Night- if there is any left :)  Go crazy!  Your kids will LOVE making them and seeing them displayed around your house.

7.  Make a Christmas gift for someone, instead of buying one.  There are TONS of great homemade gift ideas out there, just google it.  It's usually much less expensive and, to me, it's fun. 

8.  Do something nice for a friend or neighbor.  There's always a lot of sickness going around this time of year, so make a big pot of soup for a sick neighbor or friend and take it to them.  Rake an elderly neighbor's yard or pick up pine cones for them.  It doesn't matter what you choose.  Showing your children to think of others is really important.  These are lessons that they will remember when they grow up and have a family of their own. 

9.  Go to a Christmas concert or play.  There are usually lots of community events this time of year.  Go out and hear a choir concert, watch a Christmas parade or a play. 

10. Have a craft day.  Kids love doing crafts!  Search for ideas.....there's a ton of them!

The last thing I want to say is, it's okay to say NO sometimes.  Our December calendar tends to fill up pretty fast.  Many events have costs Christmas parties with gift exchange, etc.  It's okay to say NO.  I'm not saying you should be anti-social, but don't schedule so many things that you will be too busy to remember the season and too broke to enjoy it.  Making memories is what counts!

So, go out (or stay in) and make some memories! 

Until next time... 

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Random Post

Happy Saturday!  Hope you all are having a fantastic day :)  Mine has been a lazy one.  I cleaned up and washed all the clothes yesterday so I wouldn't have to lift a finger today.  I do enjoy my lazy Saturdays.  I usually have the house all to myself on Saturdays and it's great.  I really enjoy my "me" time.  I started my day off with a big, tall glass of carrot, apple, kale, and spinach juice.....homemade from my juicer.  Although it looked pretty disgusting in color, it was quite tasty.  It was pretty until I added the kale and spinach....then it turned a greenish brown color.  Still, it tasted good and it was super healthy. 

Anywho...hope you had a safe and happy Halloween.  We had a lot of fun painting pumpkins this year.  Here is a picture of our pumpkins :)

We had a blast making these!  We used a pencil eraser, dipped in paint, to make the dots.  I got the idea from Pinterest and it worked great....made the perfect little dots :)  It was fun, but I'm so glad it's over and so glad the candy is finally gone!

Can you believe it's almost Christmas?!?!  It seems to come around faster and faster as the years go by.  Do you ever wish time would just STOP....or at least slow down?  I do.  All the time, actually.  My son is getting so big and time just seems to be going by faster and faster.  It's funny, but I finally understand why my parents did the things they did.....and their reasoning behind it.  I sometimes (well, often- if I'm being honest) felt that their decisions about what I could and couldn't do were so unfair.  I finally get it.  I get that they were only trying to do what was best for me, that they wanted to protect me and shield me from making the same mistakes they did.  I finally get it.

Sorry, my mind tends to wonder a lot.  Must be my ADD...

Anyway, it's almost Christmas- my favorite time of year!  The tree is up.  The mantle is decorated.  I've bought a substantial amount of Christmas gifts already AND I've already wrapped them.  I am hoping I'll be finished with ALL my Christmas shopping before December even gets here.  Man, I am on top of things this year!  Once I get all the shopping done, we can focus on our Christmas traditions and enjoy spending time with each other. 

Rudy, my son's Elf on the Shelf, should be arriving soon.  Oh, we have so much with Rudy!  Rudy does the craziest things and I always get it on film, so be on the lookout for lots of pictures of Rudy.  Here are a couple of crazy things Rudy did last year....

We always enjoy Rudy's time with us and can't wait to see what crazy things he will do this year :)

Okay, I realize this was a very random post, but this is what's on my mind.  If I don't get a chance to post before Thanksgiving....Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!  I hope you have a wonderful time celebrating with family and friends. 

Love and peace to all of you :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Getting My Life Back!!

Hello everyone!  It's been a while since I checked in....

I have been going through some things lately and it's time to get my life back.  I have been feeling really terrible lately.  No energy, headaches, depressed...

I had some tests done a couple of weeks ago and I got my results back yesterday.  2 of the 3 tests came back normal.  However, my insulin test did not.  My levels were elevated.  The nurse that I talked to on the phone said that it looks like I have insulin resistance.  My body isn't responding properly to the hormone, insulin.  *Sigh*

The good news is that this can be reversed through diet and exercise BEFORE it turns into diabetes.  I have researched it a little and from what I gather, I will either need to eat a low carb or a low glycemic index diet.  I am going to talk to my doctor about it tomorrow. 

Diabetes runs in my family.  My dad has diabetes, my grandfather had diabetes and died from a stroke.  I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and from what I have read, insulin resistance is common in women with PCOS. This is definitely a wake up call!  I want to live a long, healthy life and I don't want to get diabetes.  I want to set a good example for my son. 

Right now, I have to work on getting this reversed and getting my Vitamin D levels up.  Both of these are working hard against me right now and I've got to conquer them! 

So, my challenge for this month (or the remainder of it) is:

-Drink more water.
-Get more sleep.
-Eat more fruits and vegetables (the lower glycemic ones).
-Eat more lean meats.
-Exercise more!
-Juice!  I am going to put my juicer to work again :)
-Cut out refined sugar and "white" stuff - I'll eat sweet potatoes instead of white potatoes.  I'm not a big fan of brown rice, whole grain bread or I'll probably just cut those out for now.

Lots of changes this month!  This will probably have to be a life-long plan for me.  I am taking a deep breath and running with it.  Gradual changes aren't going to work in this case. 

I would love some advice from anyone who has gone through this or now going through it.  I need all the information I can get!  So let me know if you have any tips or suggestions for me. 

Until next time...

**I will edit the challenge list if my doctor adds or changes anything.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Music Feeds the Soul

I don't feel like I've shared much about myself, on a personal level, with you all.  I don't post much about my family.  Not because family isn't important to me.  My family and my faith are the MOST important things to me.  Out of respect for their privacy, I don't post pictures of them and I don't share many personal stories about them.  That may change later down the road, but I'm still pretty new to the whole "blogging" world and having privacy for my family, on some level, is important to me right now.  I did share about an awesome gift that my husband gave me not too long ago.  It was way too awesome not to share :)

Anyway, one thing you may not know about me is that I am a HUGE music lover.  I love most all genres of music.  Over the years, I have learned that music comforts me.  It comforts me in a way that food never could.  Although I still struggle with emotional eating, it's not as big of an issue as it used to be.  Music feeds my soul. 

Today, my cousin posted on Facebook a very fond memory of my Poo-Pa (yep, that's what we called our grandfather.  And there's not another one out there like him.).  He was one-of-a-kind.  Him and Ma-Ma (that's what we called our grandmother) were loved by all that met them.  So, I was feeling kind of down.  And then it got me thinking about my Gran-Gran (my other grandmother.).   I was thinking about how I wish I could talk to them just one more time and tell them that I love them.  Tell them I am sorry for not spending the time with them that I should have once I got married and started my own family.  There is so much that I wish I could say to them.

So, instead of putting it out of my mind, I embrace it.  I think it's good for the soul.  This song is exactly how I'm feeling.  Hear You Me by Jimmy Eat World

Until next time :'(

Saturday, October 6, 2012

October Challenge

A new month, a new challenge. 

Quick update on the September challenge of no late night snacking.  It's been going pretty well.  Not perfect, but what in life is???  I only snacked late a few times, which is a major improvement from snacking late just about every night.  Small steps, right?

So, I was trying to think of a good challenge for October and I was getting nowhere.  I mean let's face it, October is the month of Halloween candy. Yes, yes, yes....I know Halloween isn't until the very end of the month, but all these darn stores starting putting the candy out a full month ahead of time!  The term "milk it for all it's worth" comes to mind.   I could vow not to eat any Halloween candy....HA!  Yeah, that's not going to happen. 

So I'm thinking that maybe if I do an exercise challenge, it will help cancel out the Halloween candy and the Pumpkin Spice Lattes that I'm going to consume.  Yes, this could work!

Official October Challenge- Cardio workout AT LEAST of 4 times per week.  More is fine, less is not.  This is a challenge that I am confident I can conquer. 

How will you challenge yourself this month???

Enjoy your October :)

Until next time...

Friday, October 5, 2012

Happy Fall Y'all :)

Well, hello there peeps :)

October is here and I just LOVE this time of year.  You want to know why?

Yep, it's the pumpkins.  These babies are my Autumn crack.  I can't get enough of them.  Pumpkin, pumpkin, pumpkin.  It's the season of ghosts and goblins, trick or treating, candied apples, candy corn, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin bread, and my personal favorite.....Pumpkin Spice Lattes.  And you know what?  I'm going to enjoy every minute of it :)

Besides Christmas, this is my favorite time of year.  Ahh, the smell of Fall air is intoxicating.  (Well, I don't quite smell it yet, but I am waiting in excitement.)  Bonfires, hay rides, Fall festivals, Pumpkin Spice Lattes (yeah, I know I said that already but I don't care.), hot cocoa, roasting marshmallows, watching cheesy Halloween cartoons with my's awesome. 

So, in honor of "Pumpkin Season", I thought I'd share my Pumpkin Chili recipe.  It sounds kind of strange, but it's soooooo good.


2 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 cup chopped onion
1 cup chopped red bell peppers
1 clove garlic
1 pound ground turkey
2 (14.5 ounce) cans canned peeled and diced tomatoes
1 (15 ounce) can LIBBY'S® Pumpkin Pie**
1 (15 ounce) can canned tomato sauce
1 (15.25 ounce) can canned kidney beans, drained
1 (4 ounce) can ORTEGA® Diced Green Chiles
1/2 cup whole kernel corn
1 1/2 tablespoons chili powder
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper

HEAT olive oil in large saucepan over medium-high heat. Add onion, bell pepper and garlic; cook, stirring frequently, for 5 to 7 minutes or until tender. Add turkey; cook until browned. Drain.

ADD tomatoes with juice, pumpkin, tomato sauce, beans, chiles, corn, chili powder, cumin, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low. Cover; cook, stirring occasionally, for 30 minutes.

**If you don't want to use pumpkin pie mix, you can just use 100% pure pumpkin puree and add a little brown sugar and cinnamon.  I've done it both ways and they are both good.


So, Happy Fall Ya'll.  Now, go get a Pumpkin Spice Latte and enjoy this "Pumpkin Season"!  What are you waiting for.....GO!!!  =) 

Psss....I haven't fogotten about my monthly challenge.  New post coming soon on my October Challenge. 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Late Night "Craving" (plus photos of my mini kitchen makeover!)

Ever up late watching TV and just feel the need to grab a bag of chips and pig out?  Please tell me I'm not the only one...

Late night snacking, as I have shared, is an issue with me.  I've been doing pretty good with it since beginning my September Challenge (no late night snacking- in case you missed the post).  Well the other night, I was catching up on some of my TV shows and I REALLY wanted some chips...I mean BAD.  I fought with myself for a while and then I got up, opened up the pantry and went to grab the bag of Doritos....but, I saw something that caught my eye.

Before I tell you what it was....a little back story on where it came from.  A while back, some of the ladies at church did a bible study called Made To Crave by Lysa Terkeurst.  In a nutshell, it's about learning to replace your cravings for food with a craving for God.  Excellent resource for those looking for spiritual guidance for weight loss. Anywho, in one of the chapters, she tells of how posting various scriptures and positive phrases on index cards around her house really helped her. 

Okay, back to me reaching for the chips.  I was reaching for them when I saw one of the index cards that I had taped to one of my pantry shelves (I had forgotten I had even put it there!)And guess what was right under the card....yep, the Doritos.  My hubby reorganized the pantry the other day (he's a little OCD about certain things....ssshhhh, don't tell him I told you.) and the chips were not in the "normal" spot. 

I thought about it and decided against the chips.  So, in this case, my hubby's OCD came in handy :)  Food is the most prevalent temptation in my life, so this scripture really hits home. 
So, just wanted to share this little tip with you guys.  Even if you don't want to post scriptures, any kind of positive phrases would work.  Put them on your refrigerator, in cabinets, pantry, etc.  Anywhere you will be tempted.  Hope this helps :)
Okay, now to the mini kitchen makeover pictures.
In one of my early blog posts, I showed you guys pictures of how I made a "tile" kitchen backsplash out of stainless steel contact paper.  I liked it for a while, but the shiny-ness of the paper accentuated every single little flaw on the wall.....and there were a lot of them. 
It ate at me long enough and I decided to change it.  Our budget it very tight, so I had to figure out a super inexpensive and temporary way to get a new backsplash.  Since we are renters, I can't permanently change anything. 
I had seen some really cute ones on Pinterest and one day I was browsing in Dollar General and I saw the exact contact paper used in one the pictures I saw. 
This is the original picture I saw on Pinterest....

So, I see the paper and grab up 5 rolls of it.  All 5 only cost me $12.50.  We were able to do the entire kitchen with it and even had some left.  I think it's super cute and I really love how it turned out.  This paper hides all the flaws on the wall, so now I can sleep better :)

Here's how it turned out...

I love it!  I have to give a lot of the credit to my hubby.  I come up with ideas and he helps me make it happen.  He's definitely a keeper :)  And I even used some of the extra contact paper to dress up my metal coffee can in my little "coffee nook".  I used chalkboard contact paper as the label.

Cute, right?!?!  I think so.  And it only cost me around $12. 

Storage is also an issue for us.  I have always wanted a pot rack, but our kitchen is small and I wasn't sure where it would go.  I was cleaning out one of our closets one day and I noticed we had a curtain rod we were not using and I also found some S-shaped shower curtain hooks and the wheels started turning.  I had the PERFECT place for my pot rack. 

I love how it turned out!  It gives the kitchen some character and charm, plus it's practical.  Now I have more cabinet space for other things. 

Anyway, sorry about the long post.  Just thought I'd share my mini kitchen makeover with you guys since I haven't posted any crafty stuff in a while.  Thanks for reading :)

Until next time....

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Migraines And Vitamin D Deficiency???

Hello peeps!  It's been a few weeks, so I thought I'd post an update.

I've been having some bad headaches for the past few weeks and felt pretty awful.  I was feeling so bad that I could barely hold the hairdryer up long enough to dry my hair.  My muscles were aching and I had no energy.  I went to the doctor this week and had blood work done and he told me it sounded like I was having migraines.  Now, I am no stranger to headaches.  I have them all the time.  I was diagnosed with Cluster Headaches in 2009.  Thank the Lord I am only an episodic!  I get them every 2 years for a couple of months at a time.  I don't know how those with Chronic Cluster Headaches survive.  I can't imagine having them everyday of my life- 6-8 times daily.  My heart goes out to those that suffer from it.

 So now I can add migraines to the list of headaches I endure. 

I got a phone call yesterday, from the nurse at my doctor's office, saying that my Vitamin D levels were extremely low....again.  I have already taken 2 rounds of prescription Vitamin D (8 weeks each round- 100,000 units per week) and my levels had risen to a "normal" level. 

I knew I had been feeling sluggish and drained again, but I really thought that it was just because I had been so busy with homeschooling, housework, and life in general.  It makes sense now. 

I did a little research and I was SHOCKED at how important it is to maintain a healthy level of Vitamin D.  Our bodies literally cannot function properly without it. 

Studies show that low Vitamin D levels can increase your risk for cardiovascular disease, asthma, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, glucose intolerance, BREAST CANCER, etc.  There is more, but these are the main risks.  WOW!! 

Symptoms of a Vitamin D Deficiency include impaired immune system (which is probably why I have been getting so many infections), pain in muscles, chronic fatigue, depression, HEADACHES (so maybe this is the cause of my migraines??), soft and fragile bones (my left leg bone is softening), etc.

Studies also show that it is nearly impossible for someone with severely low Vitamin D to lose weight.  Which explains why it's been hard the past couple of months. 

So, I am trying to figure out how to get more Vitamin D.  Obviously the high prescription doses aren't working long term, so what do I do?  In my researching, I found that the best way to get Vitamin D is to get some good ole' sunlight everyday- at least 20 minutes WITHOUT sunblock protection.  I admit, I don't get out very often.  I work from home and stay inside a lot.  I like home :)

After I got the news yesterday, I went for a nice long walk outside while my son rode his bike.  I am going to have to make a conscious effort to go out more.  This condition is much more serious than I originally thought and it makes me feel like a big pile of crapola. 

So, I am working on getting myself well again.   I would urge anyone who thinks they may have low Vitamin D levels to get it checked out.  The majority of people with a Vitamin D deficiency don't know they have it.  It can mask itself with other conditions, which makes it hard to diagnose. 

***Update on my September Challenge (no late night snacking):  It's been going pretty well.  It hasn't been perfect, but I think I have gotten drastically better at it.  It's a process and I have to remember that.  I will continue working on it as I try to think of my next challenge. 

I hope all of my readers are doing well!  Keep calm and keep on keeping on :)

Until next time...

Thursday, September 6, 2012

September Challenge

So, I have been thinking a lot about life-long health changes and how to achieve them.  I usually try to change everything all at once, which is the main reason I can't master these changes.  In fact, I know a lot of people who try to do this.  Think about it.  Why should we expect ourselves to change EVERY bad habit that we have formed over a lifetime overnight??  It's impossible!  Our lives are not like light switches. 

Let's say someone does something that really hurts you.  Can you just switch those feeling off with the snap of your fingers?  No!  It takes time to get over.  You have to work through it.  Same concept here. 

For as long as I can remember, I have had an "all or nothing" mentality when it comes to being healthy.  I'm either 100% ON or 100% OFF.  So far, I haven't been able to change that about myself.

So, I have come up with a plan that I think may work.  It's a slow going plan, but I think it's what is best for me. 

Each month I will challenge myself to new change.  Only one change.  I know it doesn't sound like much, but this is a lifelong battle.  I have to figure out a way to overcome my bad habits and incorporate new, healthy habits.  Habits are formed by doing something on a regular basis, right?  I think that changing one thing each month will help me get to where I want to be.  I will focus on being diligent with whatever challenge I am faced with each month. 

For the month of September, I have challenged myself NOT to do any snacking (WHATSOEVER) after dinner.  Late night snacking has been an issue for me for a long time.  I believe it's one of the main reasons I am unhealthy.  I will only allow myself to have water or a non caloric drink. 

Each month, I will come up with a new challenge and incorporate it with the previous challenge.  Like I said, it will be a slow process but I think it will work.  Baby steps. 

So, what do you think about my plan?  Do you think it's a good plan? 

I welcome anyone who wants to join in with me.  The more, the merrier. 

Until next time... 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Moments That Make Life Grand

First of all, sorry I haven't checked in lately.  I've been really busy and just haven't had time.  Life has been a little hectic lately, but I'm doing pretty good.  Can't complain too much.  My son's foot is much better (almost completely 100%), my leg infection is better....things are looking up. 

Now, on to the point of my post.

Do you ever have thoughts that you are under-appreciated?  Do you ever think that nobody really understands what you are going through?  Even those closest to you? 

Well, I have to admit that lately I have had some of those thoughts.  Lots of things were happening all at once and it was very chaotic for me.  I don't handle stress very well either.  My husband is the complete opposite.  Most of the time, he handles stress like a true champ.  He's my rock. 

Just as those thoughts were piling up, he went and did something so special, so awesome, and so kind. 

Friday morning, after waking up and getting ready for school to start, I go to our classroom to start preparing for the day.  I sat down to find a huge envelope sitting on my desk.  Here's what the envelope said:  For Pamela:  DO NOT OPEN until instructed to.  Very important.

Well, anyone who knows me, knows I don't like not knowing what's going on.  So, I called my hubby and I couldn't get anything out of him.  He wasn't talking and wasn't going to.  Couldn't even bribe him!  Well, he called me back around 12:00 noon and told me I could open it.  Here's what I found inside.

Well, I don't know about you, but this had me freaking out a little!  What in the world??  And it sounded so "official".  I had no idea what was going on!

This was also inside the big envelope.  6 smaller envelopes and $10 cash.  I couldn't open the first envelope until 2:10, so of course, I had all sorts of thoughts running through my head.  Is this some sort of scavenger hunt?  Am I going to have to something crazy?  And my husband really enjoyed torturing me with this.  He kept throwing in little comments like "You don't mind digging through the mud, do you?" or "You're okay with singing karaoke, right?".  So, of course I was quite freaked out!!  He had me pretty scared!

I was a good girl and did everything he asked and waited until 2:10 to open envelope 1.  Here's what it said...

Ahhh, what a relief!!  After restraining myself from correcting all the typos (LOL), I headed out.  And I must say, it was much needed.  After I finished up at the salon, I opened up envelope 2.  Here's what it said....

Are you kidding me?  This was awesome!!  This is where the cash came in.  I went by and got a Java Chip Frosty Bean (basically a Frapp) from our local coffee shop and the rest was used to tip the guy at the nail salon.  The letter says manicure, but he meant pedicure.  Men...they just don't know all these technical women terms, lol.  I have never in my life gotten the "fancy" pedicure with the exfoliating scrubs, the skin masks, the hot towel wraps, and the hot stone massage.  This was AMAZING!!!  It totally spoiled me and I never want a "regular" pedicure again! 

I got back to my car and opened up envelope 3.  Here's what it said...

By this point, I was beside myself.  I have never gotten to do all this awesome stuff in one day.  I was amazed, truly amazed.  So, I got myself a couple of new shirts and a new pair of dress pants.  MUCH NEEDED!  At this point I'm thinking, "What else could possibly be in the other envelopes!".  I paid for my new clothes (with my gift card!!) and opened up envelope 4.  Here's what it said...

Wow!  So I go home and get dressed.  My hair is looking awesome, my feet are all smooth and pretty, and I put my new clothes on.  So off we go to Tarragon Grill.  Dinner was amazing!  I had the Sausage Lasagna and Kevin had the Blackened Chicken Alfredo.  We got back in the car and I opened envelope 5.  Here's what it said...

The hair appt, pedicure, shopping, and dinner took a little longer than expected so I opted to rent a movie and go home.  We curled up on the couch and watched "The Lucky One".  After the movie was over, I opened the final envelope.  Here's what it said.

I think he meant to say "I bet you CAN figure it out from the picture below.".  I restrained from correcting it though.  Yep, he gave me a massage.  After all the wonderful things he planned for me, he gave me a massage.  He totally spoiled me!  I have to say, it was nice to feel pampered and so appreciated. 

He spent a lot of time and effort planning this for me.  I was in awe of his thoughtfulness.  Needless to say, I feel SO appreciated and loved.  Truly blessed.  I've always known that he appreciates me, but it's really nice having something so special planned for me as a reminder.  We all need reminding every once in a while that we are special and appreciated.  This is probably one of the sweetest things he has ever done for me and I will always remember it.

Anyway, just thought this was worth sharing. 

Until next time...

Monday, August 20, 2012

Mama said there'd be days like this...

What a day. 

What a day.  Wait...I already said that.  Oh well, sometimes you can't say it enough. 

It's been a rough day.  Remember me telling you about my incident with the coffee cup?  Well, the cut was worse than I originally thought.  It bothered me a lot over the weekend.  It started swelling, getting red, getting feverish and hurting.  I went to the doctor this morning and it's definitely infected.  They put me on an antibiotic, so hopefully it clears up soon. 

So, we get home and we are walking up to the house and Brady slips and falls on the concrete walkway.  He hurt his foot pretty bad.  It was raining and slippery outside.  So I took him to the ER and thankfully it was not broken, but it is sprained BAD.  He cannot put ANY weight on it, none whatsoever.  It's bad.  He tried to stand on it a couple of times today and he was screaming in pain.  It's been a rough day for my little man :(

We did not get to do any school work today, so tomorrow is going to be a busy busy day. 

It took me 4 hours to make this post.  Why, you ask?  A mom's job is never done.  It's 10:00 and I'm finally done for the night.  Time to relax for a couple of hours before bedtime :)

So, until next time...

Thursday, August 16, 2012

"Somewhat" doesn't cut it.

Remember me telling you all about how busy I had been and I was "somewhat" watching what I ate...yada yada yada.  Well, "somewhat" doesn't cut it. 

I braved the scale this morning and.....let's just say it moved in the wrong direction. 

"Somewhat" watching what I eat and no exercise isn't going to work.  No matter how I spin it, or how many excuses I come up, it's not going to cut it.  And it never will. 

I accept it and I'm moving on.

So, my goal this week is to drop the pounds I gained and quit with the excuses. 

My new breakfast:  Carrot juice, homemade of course.  It is surprisingly good and it's super duper good for you.

Oh, and school is going well.  Our schedule is working out great and my son has been doing SO good!  I'm one proud mama :)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


I have a minute.  Yes, I mean a minute.  So, I thought I'd quickly check in. 

I have been super busy.  We started school Monday.  Monday started off great!  It was a little too great, if you know what I mean.  I was SO relieved that the day had gone so well.  We were down to our very last subject...math.  **Sigh** 

At least it was the end of the day and not the beginning.  All in all, I can't complain too much.  Today went REALLY well!  We had an awesome day :)

I just don't have a lot of free time right now.  Brady ended up going to see his Papa after school today(that was his reward for doing so good today!) and I was able to do lesson plans early today.  That's why I have time to make this post.  So, thank you Papa! 

I have been "somewhat" watching what I'm eating, but the workouts have been a no-go.   Maybe next week...

Oh, and I had a minor incident with one of my favorite HUGE coffee mugs.  Let's just say there is a chunk missing from my right calf.  Hubby bandaged me up and all is good now. 

So, that's it for now. Short and simple. Hope you all have an awesome week!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Life is about to change.

I've pretty much had a carefree summer.  A summer filled with sleeping in, watching movies, building forts with my son, wearing my PJ's all day.....basically a very lazy, relaxing summer.  We've stayed somewhat busy with church activities and so forth, but still....pretty carefree for the most part.  Oh, how I'm going to miss vegging out in front the TV watching HGTV. 

At the same time, I am ready to get back to a routine schedule.  I seem to function better (in all aspects of my life) when I have a schedule.  My son does online public school and this will be our second year with Georgia Cyber Academy.  We start Monday.  Although he has an "official GCA teacher", I do 95% of the teaching.  Teaching your own child can be quite a challenge.  He knows how I operate, he knows how far he can push me, he knows exactly how much he can get away with.  Let's just say it's stressful.  Finding the balance between Mama and teacher is hard. 

So, life is about to change in the McCorkle house.  A lot of my "free time" is going to be spent going over lesson plans and preparing for the next day of school.  So technically, I guess it's not "free time".  Fortunately, I have an awesome husband that helps me out around the house during the school year.  Especially at the beginning of the year, when everything is new and crazy!  He works full time AND helps out when needed.  He is my own personal Superman :)

So, if you don't see many posts from me in the next couple of weeks, you'll know why.  Hopefully, it won't take too long for us find our groove and get accustomed to our new schedule.

Thanks for all the support you guys have given me in my efforts to start up this blog!  It really means a lot!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Crafting withdrawals....what to do???

Last night, after everyone else went to bed, I starting brainstorming for a craft that my son and I could do together.  I wanted us to make something together, something we could display, something that would make my son feel important.  I don't have the budget to go out and buy anything, so I started rummaging through the closets and looking for anything that we could use.  I found a canvas and some paint....what kid doesn't love to paint! 

If you have ever been on Pinterest, you have probably seen LOTS of chevron pattern art.  I have always wanted to attempt this, just had not gotten around to it.  So, I figured this was the perfect opportunity!  I thought it turned out really good!

What do think of our chevron painting??

Here's how we did it....

Supplies needed:  Canvas (we used a 16x20), painters tape, scissors, ruler or measuring tape, pencil, paint, paint brushes, and paper towels.

First, I measured my pattern grid and lightly drew it on the canvas with a pencil.  My grid ended up being in 4 inch squares.

Then I started taping the chevron pattern onto my grid with painters tape.  The grid is a MUST to keep it uniform.

Here's what it looked like after taping the entire canvas.  I used my pencil eraser to lightly erase the grid lines.  It's okay if you can still see a little bit of the lines.  You are about to paint over it. 

We just started pouncing our paint colors on.  We used a REAL difficult technique.  You blot the paint color of your choice on with a paint brush, then very very carefully, crinkle up a paper towel and blot over the paint.  Hard, right?!?!  Bwahaha...yep, that's how we roll.  All joking aside, the paper towel gives it a cool texture.  You really can't mess this up.

We ended up using red, turquoise, gray, and just a little hint of green in there.  We had the best time doing this!  There is no rhyme or reason to this.  The messier the better. 

This is what it looked like when I pulled the tape off.  Not as clean as I would have liked it.  I also lightly erased the lines left on the white part at this point. 

You can see that the tape didn't work as well as I had hoped. 

No problem, though.  I just got out the white paint and cleaned it up.  It didn't take long.  The white paint also covered up any lightly visible pencil lines. 

So, here it is hanging above our mantel.  And if you are wondering what that is, sticking out of the wine glass tea light's a feather.  My son got a feather from his papa the other day and he wanted to display it.  It makes an interesting and unique addition...don't you think?

This project was pretty easy.  The only thing that was a little tedious was drawing out the grid and taping the pattern.  But listen, if you don't want to go to all the trouble of taping out a distinctive pattern, you could just randomly throw on some strips of painters tape and paint it like crazy.  It would make a nice piece of abstract art. 

We had so much fun doing this and more importantly, my son got to paint and create something for everyone to see :)

Monday, August 6, 2012

Older Craft Projects

Okay, so I know I promised that my next post would be super positive but this is as good as it's going to get.  At least it's not negative :)

So, money has been a little tight in the McCorkle house lately and I haven't been able to work on many projects.  I thought I'd post a couple of pictures of some projects I did earlier this year.

I love to paint!  Especially love painting trees.  I love whimsical, curly, off-beat trees.  I can't paint a "realistic" tree to save my life though.  My niece got married in November of last year and she really wanted me to paint her a tree to go in their new house.  I'm sure you've all heard of Pinterest....if you haven't, you are SOOOO behind the times!  I love browsing through there looking at the art.  I came across this tree and loved it!!!

This painting is beautiful, but it wasn't the right colors for my niece.  So I decided to do my own version of this painting.  I decided to do it on 2 canvases instead of 4.  My reason for this was because I wanted to represent TWO becoming ONE....I thought it was a neat idea.  So, here's my version.  It's not as pretty as the original, but I was still really proud of it. 

So, here's my version :) 

We rent an apartment and, as you know, decorating can be super tricky when renting.  We can't paint or permanently alter ANYTHING in our apartment.  The kitchen is super plain and quite honestly, it's boring.  I HAD to do something.  So I searched Pinterest (of course!) for temporary ways to update an apartment and I came across this "faux" kitchen back splash.

It's made of stainless steel contact paper!  Can you believe that!

Here's the before picture.  The dark spots were from the cleaner I sprayed to wipe it down.

Here's the after!  I got the contact paper from Lowe's.  All I did was cut 4x4 inch squares (the back of the contact paper had a grid pattern, so it was REALLY easy to cut).  I started at the bottom and I alternated the grain of the stainless steel squares each time so that when the light hits it, it looks like a checker board pattern.  This is just my small counter top area.  I did my entire kitchen for less than $40. 

Our pantry doors were also pretty drab.  So I ordered some chalkboard contact paper from Amazon to give them a little character. 

Here's the before picture.  Pretty sad, right?!?!

Here's the after.  I just measured each section of the pantry doors and cut the paper to fit.  It really dresses them up and you can also get creative with the chalk and write down dinner menus, grocery lists, favorite quotes, personal messages to your loved ones....the possibilities are endless. 

I hope you enjoyed seeing my little projects.  I really enjoy doing this kind of stuff.  Hopefully, I can get back to some new crafty projects soon!  


Sunday, August 5, 2012



How do you achieve it?  Feel free to chime in here if you have an answer because I am clueless.

I've spent my whole life trying to find balance in weight loss and fitness. You would think, by now, I would have it figured out. 

So, here's my predicament.  I have been low carbing (for the most part) and have been doing quite well with it.  But, I'm finding that I just don't have the energy that I need to complete my Couch to 5k workouts.  I am running out of energy before I even finish the warm up walk!  Something has got to give.

I REALLY want to focus on fitness and my Couch to 5k program because I am signing up for a 5k in December and I have a long way to go until I'm ready.  I am currently on week 4 of the program.  Week 4 is kicking my butt!  I will probably be repeating it.  I see no other option than to start adding some carbs into my diet.  I simply cannot jog without some carbs for fuel. 

I've also been really stressed lately, so maybe that is playing a part in my energy loss as well.  Who knows?

So, my plan is to add some carbs in and keep on trucking!  Hopefully that will do the trick.  Sorry this post isn't very positive.  Sometimes it's hard to be positive.  I promise, the next one will be super positive :)

Until next time....

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Low Carb Pizza Recipe!

Yep, you heard me right.  Low Carb Pizza!  And no, this is not a mushroom cap pizza.  Who wants a slimy crust?  Yuck!  This pizza has an actual crust.  It's a thin crust pizza, which is my favorite!  It turned out great!  This was my second time making it and this time I made a couple of modifications.

I got the recipe from this website .  They claim it is NO CARB, but that's not the case.  I calculated it and it has a few, but still very, very low carb. 

I wasn't feeling real "meaty" today, so I made a vegetarian pizza with spinach as my only topping.  But, if you really want to bulk it up, use as much meat as you like!  Adding meat will increase the calories but it won't add carbs, so load up!  Here's the outcome...

So, here's the recipe :)

Low Carb Pizza - Serves 6


For the crust:For the pizza:
  • 1 (8 oz.) package of full fat cream cheese (room temp.)
  • 2 eggs
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • Garlic powder (I used about a teaspoon.)
  • 1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese
  • 1/2 cup jarred no added sugar marinara sauce (I couldn't find any so I just used plain old canned tomato sauce.)
  • A pinch of cayenne pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon oregano
  • 1&1/2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese (or whatever cheese you have on hand- I used sharp cheddar today.)
  • Cooked meat and veggies of choice (Pepperoni, ground beef, spinach, mushrooms, etc.)- I just used spinach for this one.
  • Garlic powder- whatever desired amount you want to use


For the crust:For the pizza:
  • Preheat oven to 350.
  • Butter or spray a 9×13 baking dish
  • Blend cream cheese, eggs, pepper & garlic powder until well mixed
  • Add parmesan cheese and stir until combined
  • Pour into buttered baking dish
  • Bake for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown (This is SO IMPORTANT- make sure the crust is golden brown.  If you don't, the crust will turn out too soft.  The original recipe said to bake it for 17 min, but that was just not enough.)
  • Let crust cool for 15 minutes before adding toppings (Again, this is important also to avoid a soggy crust!)
  • After crust is cooked, raise oven to 400 degrees
  • Mix together marinara sauce, garlic powder, cayenne pepper & oregano
  • Top crust with marinara and spread evenly
  • Top with cheese
  • Add toppings
  • Bake for 10 minutes or until cheese is bubbly

Cut into 6 even slices and enjoy!  Each slice (of my recipe) has 233 calories, 4g carbs, 20g fat, 10g protein, 1g fiber.  So 3 net carbs per slice.  Hope you enjoy this :)

Monday, July 30, 2012

Be Your Own Kind Of Beautiful

Hey, you!  Yes, you.  Read this and believe it.

No matter what the world tells you, you are beautiful!  And don't ever forget it!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Fitness Goals!

Before I get to the intended post, I'll fill you in on what has been going on the past few days.  A few days ago, I had an allergic reaction to some medication I was on.  I broke out in a rash so I stopped taking it, but not before my throat started closing up and we had to take a trip to the ER.  Luckily, they were able to stop the swelling in my throat.  It was a quite a scary experience!  I am currently on steroids and will stay on them a few more days to make sure I have no more reactions.  So, I don't look to be dropping any weight until those get out of my system.  What can you do? 

So, that's what has been going on with me.

Now, let's talk fitness!  I am currently doing the Couch to 5k program.  This program is designed to get you off of the couch and running a 5k in 9 weeks (although it's taking me longer).  I completed this program a few years ago and loved it!  I ran my first (and only) 5k shortly after completing it.  I am on week 4 of the program and I'm really excited about running again!  Here's the link for the program-

Sadly, this is probably a pretty accurate visual of how I look when running.  But, I don't care!  I love running and I feel awesome while doing it, no matter how I look :)

My point is, find something you love to do and just do it!  (The Nike slogan never gets old.)  Whether it's dancing, swimming, kickboxing, running, biking, hiking....embrace it and use it to your advantage.  My husband likes to hike, so we have been going on some hikes together.  It's great exercise and it's a nice way for us to spend some time together.  Having a fitness partner is a big advantage.  Not only does it provide good company, it provides accountability. 

So, what's your fitness routine and goals?  Feel free to comment and let me know what works for you.  Until next time...

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Thrifty Fun!

Today, I thought I'd post a couple of my thrifty finds and makeovers. 

I love to go "junkin" and looking for cool items I can get my hands on and recreate.  My husband and I went junkin a while back and I came across a formal chair that I just couldn't pass up.  I only paid $20 for it!  The back of the chair is a tad crooked, but I think my hubby can probably fix it....we'll see.  Still, I could live with it.  I may end up re-upholstering it later, but for now I will keep it as is.

                                Not too bad for $20, right?

This next little project is a lamp redo.  We got 2 old lamps from my husband's grandmother, so the lamps did not cost me anything.  Right when I saw them, I knew I wanted to get my hands on them.  Kevin (my husband), thought I was crazy at first! 

This is the "before" picture.  I am sorry for the picture.  It's kind of hard to see the lamp with all the trees and straw in the background but I forgot to take a picture before we headed to the woods to paint it.  As you can tell, it's old, dingy, rusty, and just plain out-dated. 

                                       This is the "after" with the lamp off.

                                       After, with the lamp on.

I used a spray paint called Blue Ocean Breeze.  It's kind of aqua-ish.  I got the lamp shades from Lowe's for about $12 each.  So I ended up with 2 "new" lamps for only about $14 each.  I am pretty pleased with the way they turned out.

And voila....the finished look.  Crafty- I can do.  Photography- not so much.  Sorry for the terrible picture quality.  I will work on it :)

I just started working on another thrifty project that I am really excited about!  It costs next to nothing and I think will look like a very high end piece when I'm done.  So, stay tuned for this one!!