Monday, December 10, 2012

Me....Flaws and All

Hello, everyone :)

I mentioned in one my posts a while back that I am a HUGE music lover.  One of my favorite singers is Rachel Taylor from the band He is We.  She is a huge inspiration to me.  She has overcome a lot in her life and she is a prime example of perseverance to the fullest.  Anyway, a couple of weeks ago she blogged about learning to love your skin.  She posted a picture of herself with no make-up, no hair products.....nothing.  Just herself in raw form.

She is encouraging women and girls to post pictures of themselves that way, too.  Now, for me....that is beyond scary.  We live in a world that makes it easy for us to cover up the things we don't like.  Make-up, photo editing, plastic surgery,'s all a "normal" part of life now.  Society screams and obsesses over perfection.  Though we all would love to be perfect, it's just not real.  Perfect doesn't exist.  Some may come close, but true perfection is unattainable.  So why don't we learn to love ourselves, flaws and all?  I am the world's worst about putting myself down.  I'm very hard on myself and it's hard for me to accept compliments without saying something that counteracts it.  I don't why I do that!  I think a lot of women are the same though.

Beauty that comes from within is so much more attractive than outer beauty.  I know that sounds very cliche`, but I really do believe that.  Some of the most beautiful ladies I know are ones that have the most loving and caring hearts. 

So, I am going to accept her challenge and post my own "raw" picture.  This is a picture of me with no make-up, no cover up....nothing.  I dried my hair, but that's all.  No products, straight ironing, or anything.  So, here it goes....

Eeeeek....that was terrifying!!  No going back now!  Well, I guess I could but mama didn't raise no sissy, so there it is.....flaws and all.  A big part of me wants to verbally pick this picture apart, but I am going to refrain and just let it go.

I work at home and don't go out as much as a lot of women, so this is what my husband and son see almost everyday that I don't have to go out.  They love me this way, so why is it so hard for me?  Maybe this can be MY first step at learning to love my skin....just the way it is. 

Although this was super scary, it was also very freeing.  My hope is that all women (myself included) will learn to love their skin and themselves, just the way they are.    

Until next time...

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