Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Getting My Life Back!!

Hello everyone!  It's been a while since I checked in....

I have been going through some things lately and it's time to get my life back.  I have been feeling really terrible lately.  No energy, headaches, depressed...

I had some tests done a couple of weeks ago and I got my results back yesterday.  2 of the 3 tests came back normal.  However, my insulin test did not.  My levels were elevated.  The nurse that I talked to on the phone said that it looks like I have insulin resistance.  My body isn't responding properly to the hormone, insulin.  *Sigh*

The good news is that this can be reversed through diet and exercise BEFORE it turns into diabetes.  I have researched it a little and from what I gather, I will either need to eat a low carb or a low glycemic index diet.  I am going to talk to my doctor about it tomorrow. 

Diabetes runs in my family.  My dad has diabetes, my grandfather had diabetes and died from a stroke.  I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and from what I have read, insulin resistance is common in women with PCOS. This is definitely a wake up call!  I want to live a long, healthy life and I don't want to get diabetes.  I want to set a good example for my son. 

Right now, I have to work on getting this reversed and getting my Vitamin D levels up.  Both of these are working hard against me right now and I've got to conquer them! 

So, my challenge for this month (or the remainder of it) is:

-Drink more water.
-Get more sleep.
-Eat more fruits and vegetables (the lower glycemic ones).
-Eat more lean meats.
-Exercise more!
-Juice!  I am going to put my juicer to work again :)
-Cut out refined sugar and "white" stuff - I'll eat sweet potatoes instead of white potatoes.  I'm not a big fan of brown rice, whole grain bread or pasta....so I'll probably just cut those out for now.

Lots of changes this month!  This will probably have to be a life-long plan for me.  I am taking a deep breath and running with it.  Gradual changes aren't going to work in this case. 

I would love some advice from anyone who has gone through this or now going through it.  I need all the information I can get!  So let me know if you have any tips or suggestions for me. 

Until next time...

**I will edit the challenge list if my doctor adds or changes anything.

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