Sunday, August 5, 2012



How do you achieve it?  Feel free to chime in here if you have an answer because I am clueless.

I've spent my whole life trying to find balance in weight loss and fitness. You would think, by now, I would have it figured out. 

So, here's my predicament.  I have been low carbing (for the most part) and have been doing quite well with it.  But, I'm finding that I just don't have the energy that I need to complete my Couch to 5k workouts.  I am running out of energy before I even finish the warm up walk!  Something has got to give.

I REALLY want to focus on fitness and my Couch to 5k program because I am signing up for a 5k in December and I have a long way to go until I'm ready.  I am currently on week 4 of the program.  Week 4 is kicking my butt!  I will probably be repeating it.  I see no other option than to start adding some carbs into my diet.  I simply cannot jog without some carbs for fuel. 

I've also been really stressed lately, so maybe that is playing a part in my energy loss as well.  Who knows?

So, my plan is to add some carbs in and keep on trucking!  Hopefully that will do the trick.  Sorry this post isn't very positive.  Sometimes it's hard to be positive.  I promise, the next one will be super positive :)

Until next time....

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