Saturday, October 20, 2012

Music Feeds the Soul

I don't feel like I've shared much about myself, on a personal level, with you all.  I don't post much about my family.  Not because family isn't important to me.  My family and my faith are the MOST important things to me.  Out of respect for their privacy, I don't post pictures of them and I don't share many personal stories about them.  That may change later down the road, but I'm still pretty new to the whole "blogging" world and having privacy for my family, on some level, is important to me right now.  I did share about an awesome gift that my husband gave me not too long ago.  It was way too awesome not to share :)

Anyway, one thing you may not know about me is that I am a HUGE music lover.  I love most all genres of music.  Over the years, I have learned that music comforts me.  It comforts me in a way that food never could.  Although I still struggle with emotional eating, it's not as big of an issue as it used to be.  Music feeds my soul. 

Today, my cousin posted on Facebook a very fond memory of my Poo-Pa (yep, that's what we called our grandfather.  And there's not another one out there like him.).  He was one-of-a-kind.  Him and Ma-Ma (that's what we called our grandmother) were loved by all that met them.  So, I was feeling kind of down.  And then it got me thinking about my Gran-Gran (my other grandmother.).   I was thinking about how I wish I could talk to them just one more time and tell them that I love them.  Tell them I am sorry for not spending the time with them that I should have once I got married and started my own family.  There is so much that I wish I could say to them.

So, instead of putting it out of my mind, I embrace it.  I think it's good for the soul.  This song is exactly how I'm feeling.  Hear You Me by Jimmy Eat World

Until next time :'(

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