Thursday, September 20, 2012

Migraines And Vitamin D Deficiency???

Hello peeps!  It's been a few weeks, so I thought I'd post an update.

I've been having some bad headaches for the past few weeks and felt pretty awful.  I was feeling so bad that I could barely hold the hairdryer up long enough to dry my hair.  My muscles were aching and I had no energy.  I went to the doctor this week and had blood work done and he told me it sounded like I was having migraines.  Now, I am no stranger to headaches.  I have them all the time.  I was diagnosed with Cluster Headaches in 2009.  Thank the Lord I am only an episodic!  I get them every 2 years for a couple of months at a time.  I don't know how those with Chronic Cluster Headaches survive.  I can't imagine having them everyday of my life- 6-8 times daily.  My heart goes out to those that suffer from it.

 So now I can add migraines to the list of headaches I endure. 

I got a phone call yesterday, from the nurse at my doctor's office, saying that my Vitamin D levels were extremely low....again.  I have already taken 2 rounds of prescription Vitamin D (8 weeks each round- 100,000 units per week) and my levels had risen to a "normal" level. 

I knew I had been feeling sluggish and drained again, but I really thought that it was just because I had been so busy with homeschooling, housework, and life in general.  It makes sense now. 

I did a little research and I was SHOCKED at how important it is to maintain a healthy level of Vitamin D.  Our bodies literally cannot function properly without it. 

Studies show that low Vitamin D levels can increase your risk for cardiovascular disease, asthma, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, glucose intolerance, BREAST CANCER, etc.  There is more, but these are the main risks.  WOW!! 

Symptoms of a Vitamin D Deficiency include impaired immune system (which is probably why I have been getting so many infections), pain in muscles, chronic fatigue, depression, HEADACHES (so maybe this is the cause of my migraines??), soft and fragile bones (my left leg bone is softening), etc.

Studies also show that it is nearly impossible for someone with severely low Vitamin D to lose weight.  Which explains why it's been hard the past couple of months. 

So, I am trying to figure out how to get more Vitamin D.  Obviously the high prescription doses aren't working long term, so what do I do?  In my researching, I found that the best way to get Vitamin D is to get some good ole' sunlight everyday- at least 20 minutes WITHOUT sunblock protection.  I admit, I don't get out very often.  I work from home and stay inside a lot.  I like home :)

After I got the news yesterday, I went for a nice long walk outside while my son rode his bike.  I am going to have to make a conscious effort to go out more.  This condition is much more serious than I originally thought and it makes me feel like a big pile of crapola. 

So, I am working on getting myself well again.   I would urge anyone who thinks they may have low Vitamin D levels to get it checked out.  The majority of people with a Vitamin D deficiency don't know they have it.  It can mask itself with other conditions, which makes it hard to diagnose. 

***Update on my September Challenge (no late night snacking):  It's been going pretty well.  It hasn't been perfect, but I think I have gotten drastically better at it.  It's a process and I have to remember that.  I will continue working on it as I try to think of my next challenge. 

I hope all of my readers are doing well!  Keep calm and keep on keeping on :)

Until next time...


  1. Very interesting. During a pre-op informational session, the nurse talked about how many people were deficient with Vitamin D. And yes, there are many issues that come with that. I'm so glad you have found a possible cause for your ailments and hope you can enjoy some sunshine until winter sets in. Yay on the September challenge! And, I need to have some blood work done and will make sure my levels of D are checked. Thanks for sharing this!!

  2. The first time my doctor told me my levels were low, I just thought...okay, the prescription will take care of it, no big deal. This time I thought I'd really research it and I was so surprised to read all the risk factors involved. I haven't felt good for years now and I really think the Vitamin D deficiency is the cause for most of it. Most people are completely unaware they have it....I was, and there is no telling how long I have been deficient. There was one article I read where the writer (a doctor) stated that 85% of his patients were Vitamin D deficient. That is staggering! Definitely get your levels checked out, Laura....especially if you think you are having any of the symptoms.

  3. I just came across this article and it's one of the best ones I have found on Vitamin D and the role it plays in our bodies.
