Thursday, August 16, 2012

"Somewhat" doesn't cut it.

Remember me telling you all about how busy I had been and I was "somewhat" watching what I ate...yada yada yada.  Well, "somewhat" doesn't cut it. 

I braved the scale this morning and.....let's just say it moved in the wrong direction. 

"Somewhat" watching what I eat and no exercise isn't going to work.  No matter how I spin it, or how many excuses I come up, it's not going to cut it.  And it never will. 

I accept it and I'm moving on.

So, my goal this week is to drop the pounds I gained and quit with the excuses. 

My new breakfast:  Carrot juice, homemade of course.  It is surprisingly good and it's super duper good for you.

Oh, and school is going well.  Our schedule is working out great and my son has been doing SO good!  I'm one proud mama :)

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