Saturday, November 17, 2012

Random Post

Happy Saturday!  Hope you all are having a fantastic day :)  Mine has been a lazy one.  I cleaned up and washed all the clothes yesterday so I wouldn't have to lift a finger today.  I do enjoy my lazy Saturdays.  I usually have the house all to myself on Saturdays and it's great.  I really enjoy my "me" time.  I started my day off with a big, tall glass of carrot, apple, kale, and spinach juice.....homemade from my juicer.  Although it looked pretty disgusting in color, it was quite tasty.  It was pretty until I added the kale and spinach....then it turned a greenish brown color.  Still, it tasted good and it was super healthy. 

Anywho...hope you had a safe and happy Halloween.  We had a lot of fun painting pumpkins this year.  Here is a picture of our pumpkins :)

We had a blast making these!  We used a pencil eraser, dipped in paint, to make the dots.  I got the idea from Pinterest and it worked great....made the perfect little dots :)  It was fun, but I'm so glad it's over and so glad the candy is finally gone!

Can you believe it's almost Christmas?!?!  It seems to come around faster and faster as the years go by.  Do you ever wish time would just STOP....or at least slow down?  I do.  All the time, actually.  My son is getting so big and time just seems to be going by faster and faster.  It's funny, but I finally understand why my parents did the things they did.....and their reasoning behind it.  I sometimes (well, often- if I'm being honest) felt that their decisions about what I could and couldn't do were so unfair.  I finally get it.  I get that they were only trying to do what was best for me, that they wanted to protect me and shield me from making the same mistakes they did.  I finally get it.

Sorry, my mind tends to wonder a lot.  Must be my ADD...

Anyway, it's almost Christmas- my favorite time of year!  The tree is up.  The mantle is decorated.  I've bought a substantial amount of Christmas gifts already AND I've already wrapped them.  I am hoping I'll be finished with ALL my Christmas shopping before December even gets here.  Man, I am on top of things this year!  Once I get all the shopping done, we can focus on our Christmas traditions and enjoy spending time with each other. 

Rudy, my son's Elf on the Shelf, should be arriving soon.  Oh, we have so much with Rudy!  Rudy does the craziest things and I always get it on film, so be on the lookout for lots of pictures of Rudy.  Here are a couple of crazy things Rudy did last year....

We always enjoy Rudy's time with us and can't wait to see what crazy things he will do this year :)

Okay, I realize this was a very random post, but this is what's on my mind.  If I don't get a chance to post before Thanksgiving....Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!  I hope you have a wonderful time celebrating with family and friends. 

Love and peace to all of you :)

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