Saturday, August 11, 2012

Life is about to change.

I've pretty much had a carefree summer.  A summer filled with sleeping in, watching movies, building forts with my son, wearing my PJ's all day.....basically a very lazy, relaxing summer.  We've stayed somewhat busy with church activities and so forth, but still....pretty carefree for the most part.  Oh, how I'm going to miss vegging out in front the TV watching HGTV. 

At the same time, I am ready to get back to a routine schedule.  I seem to function better (in all aspects of my life) when I have a schedule.  My son does online public school and this will be our second year with Georgia Cyber Academy.  We start Monday.  Although he has an "official GCA teacher", I do 95% of the teaching.  Teaching your own child can be quite a challenge.  He knows how I operate, he knows how far he can push me, he knows exactly how much he can get away with.  Let's just say it's stressful.  Finding the balance between Mama and teacher is hard. 

So, life is about to change in the McCorkle house.  A lot of my "free time" is going to be spent going over lesson plans and preparing for the next day of school.  So technically, I guess it's not "free time".  Fortunately, I have an awesome husband that helps me out around the house during the school year.  Especially at the beginning of the year, when everything is new and crazy!  He works full time AND helps out when needed.  He is my own personal Superman :)

So, if you don't see many posts from me in the next couple of weeks, you'll know why.  Hopefully, it won't take too long for us find our groove and get accustomed to our new schedule.

Thanks for all the support you guys have given me in my efforts to start up this blog!  It really means a lot!!


  1. At this time in your son's life, a schedule is very important. And it helps you to keep control of things. Yes, you will miss some of the free time but you'll accept the challenges of home-schooling and focus your energies in that direction. I hope you find time to blog. I enjoy "reading you". And I think blogging can be cathartic. You are very capable and will get a handle on managing your time soon enough. Maybe blogging or checking in can be YOUR homework. ;-)

  2. Yes, I will make time to blog. Even if it's just a short post here and there. Last year (the beginning of the school year) was very overwhelming, but I think this year will go a lot smoother, now that I know what to expect. Blogging has definitely been cathartic for me. Thanks so much for your comments and support, Laura :)
