Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Let's Talk Diet!!

Okay, so I am doing something right now that I said I would never do again.  Any guesses?  Probably not, so I'll just tell you.  I have started eating a low carb diet again.  I swore I wouldn't go back to it.  But, I have.  There are several reasons why I chose to give it another try.

Firstly, I have a sugar addiction that I need to kick....ASAP!  Heck, I love carbs in general! Who doesn't, right?  I've had a sugar addiction since I was a teenager and just to be completely's only gotten worse in my adult years.  It's a serious issue that I need to deal with.  I love all things sugary and sweet!  And, one is never enough.  One leads to two, then to four, then to get the picture.  I'm so tired of being a prisoner to sugar! 

Also, I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).  Now, if you're not familiar with PCOS, it is the most common hormonal disorder in women; it is characterized by enlarged ovaries and multiple small cysts that appear along the outer part of the ovaries, along with irregular menstrual periods, excess hair growth, acne and weight gain.  The disease also increases the risk for type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance and heart disease.  Eating a lower sugar/lower carb diet works well with this disease.  I have had a lot of success with low carb in the past. 

Lastly, I have been on a 5-week plateau.  I've been losing and gaining the same pound!  I am hoping that by changing up my diet, I will see some great results. 

I have only been eating low carb for a few days and I can already see major impovements.  I've dropped a couple of pounds and even more importantly, I'm not craving sugar anymore.  Can I get a HALLELUJAH?!?!  The first day was rough.  I wanted a DQ blizzard as bad as a kid at a carnival wants cotton candy.  I came so close to breaking!  I'm glad I didn't because it was fine after that. 

I'm not sure how long I will be focusing on low carb, but that is where my diet stands as of now. 


  1. i'm right there with you. sugar addiction is SO tough!! i'm doing extreme low carb. in the past 20 days i have not gone over 18 carbs - total carbs -- not taking anything out for fiber. i've dropped 20.4 lbs. i hit a stall just after the first week, but i didn't give up, and i seem to be dropping anywhere from .4 - 1.8 lbs a day.

    keep it up, you can do it!

  2. Wow, you are doing awesome! I haven't been too extreme with mine, not yet anyway. I've been having anywhere between 20-30 net carbs. I may have to cut that down later though. I am having trouble getting my fiber in though. I have to figure out how I get more in and still stay low on the carbs. I hope it works as well for me as it is for you! That is some serious weight loss! Keep up the good work!
