Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Sugar Demon

Last night was one of those nights.  I could feel it coming.  An urge I'm all too familiar with.  And once this urge starts showing it's ugly head, I'm helpless.  It's a demon I can't seem to escape.

I have an addiction.  No, it's not alcohol.  It's not drugs.  My addiction is sugar.  And, my sugar-craving demon was on the prowl last night.

There is a lot of controversy on the subject of placing sugar addiction in the same category as alcohol and drugs.  If I didn't have a sugar addiction, I might agree that it shouldn't be in the same category.  But, I do.  I deal with the sugar cravings and urges to binge daily.  And when it's all I can think about.  Self control seems unattainable. 

As I said, last night was one of those nights.  All I could think about was having something sweet.  And of course, there was nothing in the house.  I ended up making some flour-less peanut butter cookies.  Although the no-flour part was good, it still had sugar in it.  I fought with my thoughts and decided to make them with half sugar/half Splenda.  I baked the cookies and waited for them to cool.

As I was sitting there waiting, I started thinking about the goals I wanted to achieve in 2014.  This binge fest that was about to happen definitely wouldn't put me any closer to reaching those goals.  So, I sat there wrestling with my thoughts.  Like a game of Tug-of-War in my mind. 

I walked over and got a cookie and ate it.  Notice, I said A cookie.  Just one.  I packed the rest of them up in Tupperware and put them away.  That, my friends, was a victory for me.  Just having one was harder than not having any at all. 

People that don't have a sugar addiction may think "Big deal.  You ate one cookie.  Good for you.", but anyone that struggles with sugar addiction knows that it WAS a big deal.  Last night, my self control won the battle.  And for that, I celebrate! 

There's still a war going on and I plan on winning battle after battle. 

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