Monday, January 6, 2014

Getting Lean in 2014!

Catchy right?  Well, not particularly but you try coming up with something catchy that rhymes with 2014.  I don't have enough patience for all that. 

In my last post, I talked a little about New Year's Resolutions and how I haven't made any in the past 10 years or so.  Maybe because it seems a little cliché.  I don't know.  I think I'll just call them "Goals".  Everyone needs goals to work toward. 

I thought I'd share some of my health-related goals with y'all.  So, here they are.

1. Get more sleep!  I'm a TERRIBLE sleeper.  I have trouble shutting my mind off.  I think it's an inherited trait because my parents are terrible sleepers, as well.  I am going to try harder though. 

2. Drink more water!  I've been slacking in that department.  And after almost a year of not drinking soda, I got in the habit of drinking them again around Halloween.  I haven't had soda since Dec. 31, so I'm getting myself back on track. 6 days of nothing but good 'ole water!  And I have to say, I feel better.  Simple changes can make BIG differences.

3. Cut food portions and make better choices.  I realize that may sound vague but hear me out.  I put a lot of thought into which diet plan I wanted to start.  I had narrowed it down to either Paleo or Low Carb.  I do great on these types of diets for a while, then I get burned out.  Changing everything at once is when I get myself in trouble.  So, I decided that before I start an "official" diet plan, I'd like to simply work on eating less and making better food choices.  To let my body adjust in this way before starting something major.  In the long run, I think it will be more wise to do it this way (for me).  Even though I don't have a particular plan I'm following, I plan cut back on bread and processed foods.  That's all part of making better choices (for my particular body). 

4. Move, move, move!  Again, no plan.  Just move!  There are simple everyday ways to get more movement in.  I am home most everyday so for starters, I can stop asking my son to go get "this" and "that" for me and just get it myself.  Any excuse to get up and move is a great way to get the body to burn calories.  It's so easy when you have an 8 year old (especially one as sweet as mine) to help you out.  He loves to vacuum, dust, etc....anything to help out.  And I often let him.  But the truth burns calories and that is a small change that can make a big difference.  I also plan to start doing Zumba a couple of times each week. 

While this may not seem like a major change to most, it's a start.  Making a complete 180 is where I usually get into trouble.  So, I choose to take gradual steps in this journey to become a better "me". 

Well, that's my goals for this year.  What are yours?

Until next time...

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