Monday, March 3, 2014

Vacation Anyone?

Vacation.  We all look forward to it.  We work hard to save money to make it possible.  We spend hours searching the web for hotels, activities, and restaurants.  Whether it's relaxation or pure fun we're looking for, vacation is what we crave. 

As good as vacations can be, they can also have negative effects on us.  I found this out first hand last week.  As you know, I've been making some efforts to better my health.  I've lost 4 pounds in the last few weeks.  I've been focusing on putting super foods and whole foods in my body.  I switched to coconut oil for cooking.  I've cut out soda (well, I had one when we went to the movies a few weeks ago...but that's the only one since December).  I've been juicing vegetables and fruits.  I've cut down on the amount of sugar I consume.  I was doing great!  But more important than the pounds lost, I was feeling GOOD!  I could feel the difference in my mood.  I was less fatigued.  I was having very few headaches.  My skin was looking clearer.  I. Felt. Good.

It only took a couple of days of eating junk on our mini-vacation to ruin all that hard work.  I didn't gain any weight while we were gone.  But, I felt horrible when we got home!  I was tired, fatigued, and in a terrible mood.  I was sluggish and didn't want to do anything.  I was bloated.  My ankles turned into kankles from all the sodium I consumed.  It felt like I lost a month of hard work.  And the guilt I felt was even worse than how I physically felt.  Physically and emotionally, I felt like I had gained 5 pounds.

I hoped I could just move on and forget it, but that didn't happen.  Even though my body was screaming for those nutrients it was lacking, I was still craving the junk.  I played a game of see-saw with food for the rest of the week.  Something had to give.

Over the weekend, I made the decision to do a detox and get this junk out of my system.  I am going to try to do only fresh vegetable/fruit juice (occasionally mixed with chia seeds and/or spirulina powder) and water for 5 days.  After 5 days, I'll decide if I want to fast longer or go ahead and start adding in whole vegetables and fruits.  Today is Day 1 of my detox/fast.  So far, so good.   I'll try to post updates daily or every couple of days.

So, a couple of things I learned from our mini-vacation:

1.  Use some will-power for goodness sakes!

2. Ask myself, "Is this GINORMOUS Red Robin burger and tower of onion rings worth the damage it will most likely cause?"  I guarantee the answer will be "no" 99% of the time.

3. Plan our meals in advance!  If I pick out restaurants that have some healthy options, I can look at menus online in advance and plan my healthy meal.  If I make up my mind to choose healthy foods in advance, I'll be more likely to stick to it.

Just some food for thought. 

Have a great week, everyone!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Quiet Down, Cookie Monster!

Our insurance company is offering a program designed to help people lose weight for free.  Although a little skeptical at first, I thoroughly checked it out and it's legit.  It's totally free and our coverage can no way be affected by it.  But, that being said....all insurance companies are different and if yours is offering something similar, check it out thoroughly before signing up for it. 

Anyway, this program offers a fitness coach (with plenty of one-on-on coaching), a tracking website for food/exercise/weigh-ins, recipes, nutritional articles, etc.  It's pretty great.  I had my first phone session with my fitness coach yesterday.  It was more of a get-to-know-you type conversation but he seems to understand me pretty well.  He recognized my "all or nothing" mentality.  I'm "all in" until my first mistake....then I see myself as a failure and I'm "all out".  He helped me come up with some ways to deal with it.  He asked me what I wanted to work on for my first goal and I told him that nighttime snacking was a big issue for me.  My "cookie monster" really starts acting up at night.  He agreed that would be a good goal to work on.  So, instead of completely cutting out snacks after dinner he suggested I start off allowing myself 2-3 nights when I can have a snack.  He wants me to eat more during the day, as well.  Small steps!  By not setting my standards and goals to a level of perfection, I'll be more likely to succeed in reaching that goal. 

This program seems to be designed to help people change their habits and slowly change their lifestyle.  It's not about the amount of weight lost.  We didn't even talk about a weight loss goal. That being said, I'll still track my weight each week.  I like that they are more concerned about the long term goals than quick weight loss.  And being held accountable to someone is a plus for me.  I always do better when accountability comes into the picture.

I am really excited about this program.  I think it's just what I need!

So, for now, I am happy with my imperfect goals.  The "cookie monster" needs to quiet down.  Once he's good and trained on that, I'll work on silencing him. :)

Thursday, January 23, 2014


So, I've made some progress since Jan. 1st.  Here are a few things that I've done.

- I haven't had soda at all.  And I really don't miss it.  Not even a little bit.

- Drinking more water.  It's pretty much all I drink now except for the occasional sweet tea. 

- I've been getting some exercising in.  Now...I haven't been training for a 5K or marathon, but I've been moving (which is a great change from doing nothing!).  My son and I have been doing some activities together and I've really enjoyed it. 

- I've been eating better.  Have I been perfect?  Not at all.  But, I'm doing better.  As far as a typical week goes, I've been eating really good on more days than not.  So, I'd say 4 days of the week I'm spot on.  I've also been eating smaller portions, especially on days when my eating isn't spot on. 

- I've been getting a little more sleep.  It's still not where it should be but at least it's a little better.  Getting to sleep around 1-2 am instead of 4am is progress.

- I've lost about 5 lbs.  5 lbs. isn't huge, but it's 5 lbs. and I'll take it! 

This is my new motto!  The whole point of my new outlook on getting healthy is about making small changes.  Over time it will lead to big changes and that's what I slowly change my habits so it doesn't feel like I have to be perfect all the time.  That's the hardest part of this journey for me.  I struggle with an "All or Nothing" mentality.  I've struggled with it all my life.  I can't seem to change that mentality.  I've tried time and time again.  The only way I know how to explain it's like a switch goes on/off in my brain.  I start out strong, perfect usually, and the first time I mess up....*switch* everything turns off.  So this time, I'm not starting off perfect....just a little better than I was before.

So, I want to continue working on the things I listed above and start working on some new things. Like....

- Cutting back on sweets.

- Snacking less often after dinner.  (This is a big one!)

- Eating a good breakfast.  This is another biggie.  I hate eating breakfast.  Coffee is enough for me but I know breakfast is the most important meal and I should be eating to rev up my metabolism. 

So, this is my progress.  Whether anyone else thinks it's great or small, it's progress and I'm proud of myself.

Until next time...

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Sugar Demon

Last night was one of those nights.  I could feel it coming.  An urge I'm all too familiar with.  And once this urge starts showing it's ugly head, I'm helpless.  It's a demon I can't seem to escape.

I have an addiction.  No, it's not alcohol.  It's not drugs.  My addiction is sugar.  And, my sugar-craving demon was on the prowl last night.

There is a lot of controversy on the subject of placing sugar addiction in the same category as alcohol and drugs.  If I didn't have a sugar addiction, I might agree that it shouldn't be in the same category.  But, I do.  I deal with the sugar cravings and urges to binge daily.  And when it's all I can think about.  Self control seems unattainable. 

As I said, last night was one of those nights.  All I could think about was having something sweet.  And of course, there was nothing in the house.  I ended up making some flour-less peanut butter cookies.  Although the no-flour part was good, it still had sugar in it.  I fought with my thoughts and decided to make them with half sugar/half Splenda.  I baked the cookies and waited for them to cool.

As I was sitting there waiting, I started thinking about the goals I wanted to achieve in 2014.  This binge fest that was about to happen definitely wouldn't put me any closer to reaching those goals.  So, I sat there wrestling with my thoughts.  Like a game of Tug-of-War in my mind. 

I walked over and got a cookie and ate it.  Notice, I said A cookie.  Just one.  I packed the rest of them up in Tupperware and put them away.  That, my friends, was a victory for me.  Just having one was harder than not having any at all. 

People that don't have a sugar addiction may think "Big deal.  You ate one cookie.  Good for you.", but anyone that struggles with sugar addiction knows that it WAS a big deal.  Last night, my self control won the battle.  And for that, I celebrate! 

There's still a war going on and I plan on winning battle after battle. 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Getting Lean in 2014!

Catchy right?  Well, not particularly but you try coming up with something catchy that rhymes with 2014.  I don't have enough patience for all that. 

In my last post, I talked a little about New Year's Resolutions and how I haven't made any in the past 10 years or so.  Maybe because it seems a little cliché.  I don't know.  I think I'll just call them "Goals".  Everyone needs goals to work toward. 

I thought I'd share some of my health-related goals with y'all.  So, here they are.

1. Get more sleep!  I'm a TERRIBLE sleeper.  I have trouble shutting my mind off.  I think it's an inherited trait because my parents are terrible sleepers, as well.  I am going to try harder though. 

2. Drink more water!  I've been slacking in that department.  And after almost a year of not drinking soda, I got in the habit of drinking them again around Halloween.  I haven't had soda since Dec. 31, so I'm getting myself back on track. 6 days of nothing but good 'ole water!  And I have to say, I feel better.  Simple changes can make BIG differences.

3. Cut food portions and make better choices.  I realize that may sound vague but hear me out.  I put a lot of thought into which diet plan I wanted to start.  I had narrowed it down to either Paleo or Low Carb.  I do great on these types of diets for a while, then I get burned out.  Changing everything at once is when I get myself in trouble.  So, I decided that before I start an "official" diet plan, I'd like to simply work on eating less and making better food choices.  To let my body adjust in this way before starting something major.  In the long run, I think it will be more wise to do it this way (for me).  Even though I don't have a particular plan I'm following, I plan cut back on bread and processed foods.  That's all part of making better choices (for my particular body). 

4. Move, move, move!  Again, no plan.  Just move!  There are simple everyday ways to get more movement in.  I am home most everyday so for starters, I can stop asking my son to go get "this" and "that" for me and just get it myself.  Any excuse to get up and move is a great way to get the body to burn calories.  It's so easy when you have an 8 year old (especially one as sweet as mine) to help you out.  He loves to vacuum, dust, etc....anything to help out.  And I often let him.  But the truth burns calories and that is a small change that can make a big difference.  I also plan to start doing Zumba a couple of times each week. 

While this may not seem like a major change to most, it's a start.  Making a complete 180 is where I usually get into trouble.  So, I choose to take gradual steps in this journey to become a better "me". 

Well, that's my goals for this year.  What are yours?

Until next time...

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year, New Me

Happy New Year, folks!  I hope you all had a fun time ringing in the new year.  Yes, it's just another year.  Just like all the other years before.  But, I have a feeling that 2014 is going to be one of my best years yet. 

I don't know what it is about a new year.  It inspires us to make changes.  To challenge ourselves in new ways.  It ignites new hope.  Until this year, New Year's Day has always been just like any other day.  This year is different, though.  I'm not exactly sure I can pinpoint a certain reason why this is.  It just is.  Maybe it's because I've been physically ill for the better part of the last few months of 2013.  Maybe it's because I'm tired of having to take 5 different medications each day.  Maybe it's because I'm sick of wallowing in my self despise.  It could be any of those things.  All I know is...I'm ready for change. Something new has clicked inside of me.  Something I haven't felt in a very long time.   I. want. change.  And I want to work for it!

I was thinking the other day.  You know how sometimes you get into a deep thought, almost daydream-like, and you REALLY think?  Well, I was thinking about how much my son looks up to me.  He adores me and I him.  He wants to be just like me (and my husband).  We are his heroes.  And what kind of example are we setting for him?  Well, not a good one.  My husband and I have both been rather unhealthy this past year.  We both need to change and show our son that it's important to take care of yourself. 

So, it's time.  Time to stop the excuses.  Time to put in the effort.  Time to start believing in myself again.  And time to forget all the reasons why it won't work and believe the one reason why it will.  Because I'm worth it. 

Simple as that.