Monday, September 9, 2013

Do You Love Yourself Enough?

I was perusing on Facebook today, looking back at some posts over the weekend that Chris Powell posted, and I came across a post that really made me stop and think. 

"The more you love yourself, the more you keep your promises to yourself." What have you done today to keep a promise you made to yourself? - Chris Powell

It really got me thinking.  Do I love myself enough?  Do I love myself at all?


My conclusion....probably not.  I am my own worst enemy, critical of my every action.  At times, I loathe myself.  Frustrated by my failures, I tell myself that I'm not good enough.  I. am. hard. on. myself.

Why do I do that? 

To a certain point, I think it's okay to be hard on ourselves.  It makes us strive to be better.  To improve.  To grow.  But, do we go too far? 

Sometimes.  Most of time, in my case.

If I spent more time focusing on the improvements I've made, would my attitude towards myself change?  Would I be more apt to succeed?  Would I start to love myself more?  Would I be able to keep my promises?

I think women, as a whole, are very critical of themselves.  We spend way too much time wondering if we look too fat in our jeans.  Asking why we can't be as successful as the person sitting next to us.  Wondering why we can't look like her.  Or, her.  Or, her.  Relentlessly comparing ourselves to other women while our self-confidence and self-worth gets thrown in the trash.  Why do we do that? 

So, I'm going to vow to try to do better.  To give myself a fighting chance.  To rejoice in my victories.  To renounce the urge to beat myself up, mentally, when I don't make a goal.  To look in the mirror, every now and then, and say "You are enough.". 

What will you do to make sure you keep your promises to yourself?

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