Tuesday, July 23, 2013

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back.

One step forward, two steps back. 

I told you guys that I was seeing an Endocrinologist.  I had some blood tests done last week and I met with the doctor about the results.  I was sure that my Vitamin D levels had come down, but to my surprise they actually went up a little.  I'm thinking "Whooo Hooo!".  Then she tells me the results from the other tests and it was not-so-good news.  *sigh*

Apparently, I have one the worst metabolisms of all her patients.  Her words were "I have very few patients with a metabolism like yours."  Not really sure how she came to that conclusion, but alrighty then.  They took A LOT of blood last week, so I'm guessing quite a few things factored into it.  My insulin levels were 3 points away from being classified as Diabetic.  What?!?!  I've been making a lot of effort to cut down on my portions and I thought I was doing pretty good.  Unfortunately, she said that reducing my portions wouldn't help that much.  A person with a normal metabolism could cut back on their portions and lose weight just fine, but mine isn't anywhere near normal.  She put me on Glumetza and told me that I had to make some serious dietary changes to prevent Diabetes. 

Changes I am going to have to make:

1.  No sugar (obviously)
2.  No artificial sweeteners (how the heck am I going to drink coffee now?!?!)
3.  No bread, noodles, etc.
4.  More exercise (another obvious point)
5.  No processed food
6.  No fast food and she even went on to say that eating out, in general, wasn't a good idea for now.

Lots of changes.  Basically, my menu will consist of lean meat, fresh veggies, and fresh fruit only....staying as "natural" as I can. 

I think she spent more time talking about artificial sweeteners than anything.  Studies are showing that artificial sweeteners may even play a role in developing diabetes.  They also make you crave real sugar even more.  I really don't use them that often, but I had gotten back in the habit of buying SF coffee creamer again. 

I am too young to be borderline Diabetic!  She definitely scared me into making some serious changes.  I have too much to live for to risk my health and my life like this!

I would appreciate your prayers and thoughts as I take on this new lifestyle.  It's going to be hard.  I know that I can do it if I set my mind to it.  KEEPING my mind set will be the hardest part. 

One step forward, two steps back.

I look forward to taking some GIGANTIC leaps forward in the coming days.  I can do it!!

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