Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Detox: Day 2

Hi there, folks. 

Well, I made it though Day 1.  I only had juice until about 9 or 10 o'clock.  I got pretty hungry so I sliced up a tomato and ate it.  That was the only solid food I had yesterday.  For the most part, I felt pretty good throughout Day 1 after my headache subsided.  And I wasn't near as hungry as I thought I would be. 

Today, on the other hand, isn't going quite as well.  I have a headache, again.  My head feels foggy and I'm kind of in a daze.  Nonetheless, I'm still chugging along and sticking to it.  Maybe this hazy, foggy feeling won't hang around very long. 

I did have a pretty nice surprise when I stepped on the scale this morning, though.  I dropped a whopping 5 lbs since yesterday!!  Whooo Hoooo! 

I'm not my usual self, so that's all I have for today.  Sorry to be so short but I'm finding it hard to concentrate and focus.  Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

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