Monday, May 20, 2013

Detox: Day 1's the day.  Day 1 of my detox!

My day didn't start off that great though.  I woke up with a killer headache this morning.  Took some Excedrin Migraine and it has gotten better.  It's bearable now.  Definitely NOT how I wanted to start off the first day of my detox, but it is what it is and I'm committed to seeing this through. 

After my headache subsided, I got in the kitchen and started preparing for my morning juice.  Fresh Carrot-Apple Juice!  It's pretty tasty, if you ask me :)

This one was strictly carrots and apples.  I will start adding in green veggies, like kale and spinach, as the day goes on.  I am going to try to do just juice today and see how it goes.  If I see that I really need something, I'll eat some fresh veggies or something.

Even though the primary focus of this detox isn't weight loss, I did weigh myself this morning.  Yowza!!  Let's just say that it was a tad more than I thought it would be.  "Tad" being code for "A LOT"!  This detox is more about cleansing my body, but I'm still hoping for some weight loss.  I'll try to post weight loss stats each day when I update. 

Tomorrow I'll be able to write more and give more details about how my first day went.  If everything I've read about detoxing is correct, the first 3-4 days will be rough.  It should start to get better after that. 

That's all I have for today.  Keep me in thoughts and prayers as I am going through this.  I have a feeling this will be harder, mentally, than physically. 

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