Tuesday, November 5, 2013

"No Candy November"!

I realize it's already 5 days into November, but I'm declaring the rest of this month as "No Candy November".  I got the idea from one of my friend's Twitter posts.  How brilliant is that?  No Candy November.

Okay, confession time.  We have a TON of Halloween candy in this house!  Not only do we have oodles of leftover trick-or-treat candy that we didn't give out, but my son has a bucket full, yes-bucket full, of candy also.  I don't mean one of those little pumpkin buckets....an actual bucket! I have found myself snacking on it, quite often, for the last 5 days.  Well, no more!  No Candy November starts NOW!  Well...as soon as I finish this lollipop. 

Who's with me?!  Let's tell these candy producers where they can shove it! (You can't tell, but in my mind I'm jumping around getting "the wave" started somewhere.  I'm pumped!)

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