Tuesday, October 22, 2013

October Update

Long time, no see.  (or 'hear', rather)

It's been a busy month!  And, it's just going to get busier and busier with Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up. 

I thought I'd pop in for a quick update.  I've been doing the Couch to 5K program and it's been going pretty well.  I stayed on week 1 for two weeks and I stayed on week 2 for two weeks, as well.  Today I decided to switch things up a bit.  I was curious to see how long I could jog without any breaks or intervals.  So, I got on the treadmill and did a 5 minute warm up and then just started jogging.  I'm not going to lie, going into this I thought maybe (just maybe) I could make it to 5 minutes without stopping.  Since I had only been doing 1-1.5 minute intervals, I thought it would be doable.  I got to the 5 minute mark and I almost stopped.  Let's face it, our minds can get in the way if we let them.  I had already decided (in my mind) that I wouldn't be able to go longer than 5 minutes and I came very close to stopping.  But, I decided "What the heck. I'll just keep going and see what happens."  I ended up going for another 2 minutes for a total of 7 minutes of nonstop jogging.  That doesn't sound like a lot, but for someone my size I think it was pretty good.  So, I'm thinking I will try to add one minute to my total each time I jog.  If I see that's too much, I may just change it to 30 seconds.  In my mind, 3-4 minutes more each week sounds like A LOT!  But, my mind is my worst enemy when it comes to challenges so I'm going to give it a go anyway. 

So, the workout part of my routine has been going pretty well.  The eating part, not so much.  I had a couple of rough nights in the past week with binging.  I'm an emotional eater and that's how I handle stressful or emotional days.  Food addiction sucks!  That's a whole other post, though. 

My energy has been way down the past couple of weeks and my emotions have been all over the place.  The muscle twitching in my hands and legs have started back up, too.  Not sure if my Vitamin D is down again or if it's just a funk I'm going through.  I had labs done last week, so I'll find out my levels tomorrow when I go to the Endocrinologist.

On a happier note, I am loving Fall!  I love this cooler weather and I just adore this time of year.  It's acca-awesome!  Sorry, sometimes Pitch Perfect lingo gets stuck in my head.  I'll hush before I get Pitch slapped.  Okay, that was the last one.  Promise.

So, that's it for now.  Until next time...

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