Wednesday, June 5, 2013

For All The Butter Lovers Out There...

What do you prefer?  Fake butter spray or the real thing?  Real sugar or artificial sweetener? 

I made a grilled turkey, cheese, and tomato sandwich for lunch today, which was delicious by the way.  I was about to spray my bread with "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Spray", and I just couldn't do it.  The REAL butter was calling out to me from the refrigerator.  And it was so worth the extra calories.   

I tend to side with Paula Deen.

Well, not completely.  Yeah, she could take a few lessons in using butter in moderation, but she's right.  Butter is just better!

I think I've gotten to the point in my life where I've realized that the "fake" stuff just doesn't cut it.  I don't buy into the bull about it being better for us anymore.  I've spent my whole life going about this all wrong.  Sometimes I catch myself going for the "diet food" out of pure habit.  I really believe that a lot of these so-called diet foods leave me being more hungry than I was before I ate it.  Or it could be that it just increases cravings.  Either way, it's not working for me.  I'm having to re-train my brain and it's not easy to do.  Real food, real ingredients, in moderation, is what I want to focus on. 

Now, I'm not suggesting that we make homemade brownies using 4 sticks of butter.  But if we want a grilled cheese sandwich or a slice of toast, I think it's okay to use a little butter. 

So, what do you think?  Does using the fake diet stuff and saving calories justify sacrificing flavor and adding the extra chemicals and additives to your body?

It's an interesting topic to me.  In a world where there is a "healthy" lower calorie alternative for just about everything, where do you stand on the topic?

I know this whole butter topic is kind of random, but that's what was on my mind today.   On a funny note, I can't get enough of all the Paula Deen Butter jokes.  Here's a few of my favorites on Pinterest....



Happy Hump Day, everyone! 

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