Friday, March 22, 2013

New Blog Title?

Hello, my friends!  I hope you all have been doing well. 

Some quick updates....

I have been feeling a bit better, for the most part.  I've increased my OTC Vitamin D dosage a bit and added 2,500 mcg of B12 as well.  I can tell a big difference.  Not sure if it's because of the Vitamin D increase or adding the B12, or both.  It really doesn't matter because it's working.  So as long as it's helping, I don't care.  I've been working with 10 lb weights at home to build some strength and it's been going well. 

I have been having some weird head pains and strange sensations on the left side of my head so I have an appointment with a Neurologist on Monday.  I'm excited about going!  Maybe I'll get some answers soon. 

I decided to join Weight Watchers (online).  I've been doing it for about a week and it's going very well.  Maybe the structure of a balanced program is what I need.  I still worry about my "All or Nothing" complex and I'm working through it.  I decided that I'll allow myself ONE day per week to eat whatever I want.  No counting, no worrying, and no guilt.  If I don't allow something like this, it won't work.  I know myself well enough to admit that if I don't, I'll eventually go on a binging spree and it will just be a downward spiral from there.  To be clear though, my "free day" doesn't mean I'll go and stuff myself full of junk.  It just means that if I decide I want to have a slice of pie after dinner, or pasta for dinner....I will.  I will still make my best effort to maintain moderation. 

Okay, on to the main point of my post.

I think my blog needs a new name.  I started this with a completely different idea for my blog basis.  Over the past several months, things have come up.  Health issues, mainly.  While I still want to incorporate some crafty things every now and then, that's just not where I am right now.  I want a simple title that captures my journey.  My journey of striving for good health.  My journey has been full of physical and emotional complications.  I am continually striving though.  Striving to find answers, striving to find peace, striving to be a better person, striving to find self-confidence, and fighting to live the life that I deserve.  Notice I said "deserve".  A few months ago, I would have never said that.  So, although I've had all these unexpected health issues and struggled (physically and emotionally), I have made some progress.  Progress is progress and I'll take it! 

So, please comment and give me ideas.  I want a title that's simple, but powerful.  The only one I have come up with is "A Fight Worth Fighting".  I really like it, but I want to REALLY be sure about it before I change it.  So, let me know what you think.  Ideas are welcome!

I hope all of you beautiful people are having great Friday!  It's the weekend....make the most of it!

Until next time...


  1. Great post, Pamela. I like the new title idea. You are really evolving. Congratulations on that!!
