Friday, February 1, 2013

Things ARE Getting Better!

Yes, yes indeed, they are. 

I have felt vastly better this week.  Especially the first half of the week.  The past couple of days haven't been quite as good, but still.....SO MUCH BETTER!  My muscles are feeling stronger, my body isn't aching as much, my tremors (or muscle twitches) are decreasing, my lymph node is no longer swollen.  Lots of good news!  But more than anything, it feels good to feel better emotionally.  My mood has been steadily getting better and I feel the depression leaving.  To finally see some light in the darkness....well that feels better than any physical improvement I've had.  Things are definitely getting better. 

In fact, I've felt so much better that I started working on an art project a couple of days ago.  I got out my canvas and paint and started working on creating something that is very personal.  I don't know exactly what the end result will be, but so far it's been very therapeutic.  I can't wait to see how it turns out because I'm trying something new and I'm hoping it works out on canvas as well as it works in my mind.  I guess we'll find out :)

Oh, and we found out this week that our little man made honor roll.  I'm so proud of how hard he has been working and I LOVE having such an important part in his education.  This just added to the happiness of an already happy week :)

Thanks to all of you that prayed for me and kept me in your thoughts.  I definitely felt them and I'm blessed to have such wonderful supporters.  You guys ROCK!

Until next time...

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