Sunday, January 27, 2013

Things Will Get Better

That's what I keep telling myself.  Things will get better.  Things will get better.

Life is full of ups and downs.  I prefer the "ups" myself, but the "downs" are inevitable.  Do you ever feel like things couldn't possibly get any worse?  I would guess that most of us feel that way as some point in our lives.  We're human.  Lately, that's how I have been feeling.

My health has been getting the best of me and honestly....I'm just sick and tired of being sick and tired.  I'm taking my meds and waiting for them to kick in.  I know that good days are ahead, it's just hard to see it right now.  I look in the mirror and I don't even recognize the reflection I see.  Mainly because I don't FEEL like myself.  I feel like a totally different person.  It's not a good feeling.  I am so ready to look in the mirror and recognize myself again.  But, until that happens, I will keep waiting for those meds to kick in and deal with it the best I can until I go to the Endocrinologist in April.  Things will get better.  Things WILL get better. 

Now that I have vented about the bad going on, I want to take some time to recognize the good.  Yep, amidst all the pain and troubles going on, I have had some rather good accomplishments over the past month that I'd like to share. 

Since Christmas day, I haven't had ANY sodas or meat.  I have cut back tremendously on dairy and artificial sweeteners as well.  I don't think I've dropped any weight (mostly due to my low Vitamin D levels), but I've made some great changes that I'm proud of. 

I had a couple of good days this past week and I took advantage of them.  I started the C25K again.  It was rough and I definitely paid for it the days after, but it was worth it.  For that one day, I felt like myself again and it felt good.  Next week will be my second week on the prescription so I am very hopeful that things will start looking up really soon.  I can't wait! 

So, that's what has been going on with me.  I haven't been posting much because I didn't want to seem like a Debbie Downer.  I always want to be real with my readers.  Things aren't always peachy in this life and to pretend that it is....well, that just isn't being real and I always want to be real with you guys.  So any prayers or good thoughts you can send my way will be greatly appreciated.  It's just a matter of time before things start looking up. 

My husband and son have been so good to me during all this.  My husband has been helping me out around the house and my son always has a way of cheering me up.  God has blessed me with the best family and with great friends that lift me up. 

I promise not to wait another month before I post again.  I am working on putting a post together about grocery shopping on a budget.  I have had to start couponing again to save money, so maybe I'll share some of my tips with you guys.  Thanks for taking the time to read and share this journey with me. 

Until next time...

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